Given the state of insurance coverage, many provider networks are very limited, making it difficult to find an in network provider (but I will hold my commentary on our failing healthcare system, since it is not the focus here). If you do find a provider, they have long wait lists and may not be as experienced in the issues that are bringing you to therapy. When you see an out of network provider, you are able to see whatever provider you want to see and they are more likely to have an appointment available (see other benefits of out of network below). These days some insurance plans may have pretty good out of network benefits for mental health counseling, while others may not. However, with the increase of in network copays & deductibles, many times out of network reimbursement or paying out of pocket may not be that different from in network benefits.
- Typically, insurance will not cover marital & couples therapy. So, couples therapy will need to be paid outside of your insurance benefits.
- Benefits of seeing me outside of insurance:
- Greater flexibility & quality of care.
- I can see you as often & for as long as you like.
- I can decide together on length of session, focus of therapy & who can be part of that therapy (insurance does not cover a lot of types of therapy, including longer sessions, couples or conjoint sessions & meetings just with parents).
- I do not have to give you a diagnosis that becomes a permanent part of your medical/insurance record.
- Your treatment is completely private, because there is a specific HIPAA law that says insurance companies have no right to treatment information if you pay out of pocket.
- Because the therapist is not limited by the constraints & demands of insurance, they are more available to you to provide crisis services, answer phone calls & emails, & basically respond to your needs.
- Benefits of seeing me outside of insurance:
- For more infomation about insurance & understanding your benefits click here.